"Are you Mr. William Stafford?" Well, it was yesterday. "It's for the best," my mother said—"Nothing can You can't tell when strange things with meaning Well, it was yesterday. And the sun came, | |
—William Stafford |
Saturday, January 24, 2009
That thought is unworthy, though.
can't be sure.
It's somewhere... masked
by the sable space
inside me.
To you, void,
one word:
I ask that with reservation.
Don't want the answer.
I have the suspicion
that you may be dangerous.
Worthy and true...
This thought...
More likely, it's what others
see as their great deep blue;
the thing that seethes and throbs,
that sea inside them
teeming with a trillion
planktons of thought;
with sharks,
with the rare blue whale,
the orca, cunning porpoises,
sea turtles
small in the expanse.
Drops in the great bucket.
Perhaps my sea
is at night;
new moon,
clouded sky,
only the distant candles of dead men
borne on the rafts
of the ship wrecked, abandoned,
cut through the darkness like stars.
They float lonely,
greeted only
by the sound of lapping waves.
One by one,
they lift up their last candle
and die out.
Candles burn to the hilt.
The matches are used up.
Daylight never comes.
No rain water.
Nothing to catch it in, anyway.
The sharks
circle silently beneath them.
They wait
on the big wave
the rogue wave
or the storm to
dump the dead
into the sea.
The wasteland is
as barren for them
as for the silenced.
The silenced;
they thirsted.
You should totally come. Dash it all. Chalk it up to youthful whimsy. Chalk it up to capitlizing on opportunities before you're tied down with real responsibilities (house payments, kids, marriage, etc). Chalk it up to spontaneity or whatever makes you feel free. Chalk it up to whatever lets you see the world with new eyes. What's it matter in the long run? You're only in your early to mid twenties once... This is primetime.
At least, that's a large part of my reasoning. I feel too young to be absorbed by the freakin rat race. I'm never going to make it through the glass ceiling anyways, so what the rush in getting there? I'm not jaded yet, dammit. I want to see the world naively while I can.
And yet, I resist. I'm torn between identifying the resistance as reason or fear. Both are logical, both are probably accurate, but one of the two is more dominant.
Then there's the idealist in me, the part that screams: I want to do something that undeniably asserts my indivuiduality and vitality. Something that places me in a situation I've never been in so I can see myself for the first time again.
I've become too much a part of my surroundings, and unless I do something about it, I'll fade out. I'll wither and disappear. I'll become a gray and frail shadow of what I could be. When I'm old, I want to be entertained by my memories, not haunted by the vacccuum of routine. My fear is that I'll wake up one day and wonder why I even bothered.
If you were me:
Flashing bright light, ice cold touches, pitch dark, confusion would be by you , but you would be the golden glow which slowly grows and dims.
You would smell cut grass and sawdust. You would sing sadly at times...
You would see oceans, mountains.
You would see waves of wheat looking weeds, golden in the sun like its healthy cousin.
You would feel alone in a beautiful place.
There would be moments of longing, and moments of peace.
There would be visions of snow falling from the night as you look up into it, the flakes lit bright as they come.
You would see horse gnawed fences and horses face to the ground, always just away.
You would hear nothing.
You would gaze into the sky often, only in brevity.
You would feel ability, and you would feel lack of it .
You would know that things wll be all right.
You would hesitate, but you would go.
You would feel.
You would feel love.
You would feel to cry sometimes, and you would feel to laugh.
You would feel wounds He suffered for you.
You would feel wounds you've caused others.
You would feel how much some love you, and wish you would feel how much you love them.
You would feel about little things and think little of big things and think deeply of all things.
You would think about glaciers and trees and life. You would love beauty.
You would be melancholy for its charm.
You would feel hope and it would come on the wings of a dove.
You would feel steel in your soul, covered by flesh and flesh inside it.
I stood upon it, stamped my feet,
and watched water drip down
on your cool, calm world.
Only the clearest expression of my love, darling.
Only vivid honesty.
So large, sinking,
in a quiet place,
Sweetly filling holes...
gently vibing
in the holy dark
(vibing for me).
pretty metal eyes,
light behind them,
dark with depth,
will drip oil
when the rust
cankers them.
I tell you this
It was a beautiful piece
Of technology.
in the breeze,
eyes turned skyward,
books in your arms;
I watch you, alone in the world
at the bus stop,
cold in morning gusts,
bundled tight
against groping old men of the snow.
You are an ember.
A quiet one, faithful, contributing
heat in the company of large coals.
You die alone.
What are you? Who?
The answer comes on the cusp of a whisper,
and is forgotten. You find
yourself again, in the same place.
You sit with your hands on your forehead,
Wrestling with being.
You are your own jury, you,
who sit at the cafeteria tables, teasing
each other and absorbing
each other. You
who walk sweetly in the path of duty, assured
of your place in the world. I see you. I know you.
You are no stranger to me, when you bury your face in a screen
or, when you look ahead, eyes steeled against me,
a potential source of pain or rejection or
I am your companion.
I recline on airliners; onward,
to California or,
to Mexico, or New Zealand.
No, its when
I see you happy under evening
shade in the arms
of the ones that you love, that I'm struck.
Or, when
you laugh, carefree,
like the wind
or a sheet on a line on the beach.
It's when
you meet me,
anticipation as
a glint in your eye in the sun,
a sparkle
from the star that shimmers
down to you
that I could be love.
With interest;
when you hold out hope for me,
rely on me,
yes, when you
want to
be with me I fear.
On happiness
a brook by a fawn in the forest
spilling over the hedges
flurrying, bouncing off the rocks
and sweeping down the
waterways, wildly flailing.
Exultant, spreading
through my being,
a wildfire heat,
searing the tips
of my dried reeds,
blackening them, of them,
building a fertile ground for
the trees to come
I am aware of the fleeting nature of flame,
how the light burns out.
On hope:
I was loved,
but, the evening found me silent
on the horizon,
caught me, searching
the overcast skyline
seeking or, rather, dashing
myself against the clouds
I hung limp in the low light
damp, beneath the cloud cover.
There is no place
for a man of the sea,
a man of hours.
Perhaps, in the company of
angry schools, swarming, simmering
swelling in the depths,
a man of the sea, an urchin
man o war, steeped in brine,
and selfish.
will linger in the current,
moved, and moved, and moved.
I glide through the plankton fields,
the fertile plankton fields,
the clouds of living things,
on feeling overcast:
rain on a window I
wash away.
My eye's glimmer's
dulled by leaden clouds,
weighing down on me
onus added to my burden.
My face is the face
of an ox,
dull and desirable
for what strength it provides-
left to sit out in harsh weather.
I'm native
to inclement conditions.
It has not made me hearty.
I'm not the stallion
sought after,
yearned for;
not the sort that wars begin for;
none to die for me;
no, I'm found ghostly,
resting heavily,
by the road,
a gaunt boat slips
from the grasp
of displacement
the ghosts of old men tend to their aches,
preferring the comfort of wrecks to
the frenzy of the middle aged;
the productive people searching
for ways to escape
their common predicament.
The young
ghosts fuck off,
scaring schools of fish
and startling the wind above them,
sending it flying into oblivion,
I can be cliche for a minute
whose to say that
things fade in death?
perhaps they just slip from our view.
Life, if nothing else, feels constant.
Its left to the children
to sit, eyes ablaze, and greet the old
ship slipping, falling
like a feather falls,
through the water.
a summer leaf
escaping from the confines
of the branch.
It flies elated, moved
by the breezes for a moment, apart
from anything, flush with
photosynthesis, infused with
life and free.
The moment is a life time.
it has forever, once fallen,
to reflect.
But reflection lasts as long as restlessness abates
and yearning returns, and aching,
longing inflames the limbs;
when its bleak and humid,
bleary sun beating down the spirits,
suffocating, smothering the fleeting sense
of hope that flickers;
when the worn out car, cankered, rusty,
a friend to the peeling picket fence patched
with chain link,
unforgiving and rough, yawns,
weeds scratching unabashedly
at its overexposed private parts,
vulgar and unkempt
does it cringe,
and look back at the branch,
once an anchor, a home, and feel again to be a part of it?
Does sadness drench its frail body?
Stung by awareness that
long before the living leaves fall,
it will be muddied, half eaten,
fading into the ground?
Where is solace for the leaf who escapes the branch?
yesterday, and let my feet down
dangerously on the wet concrete.
(I left my shoes inside)
I'm focused on this keyboard, like a tv set,
glancing up in intervals,
occaisionally lifting my
eyes. I'm wrapped in my blanket, hunched over, on the floor,
shirt off, and tired. My eyelids
have sandpaper lining, soothed surpsrisingly, by friction.
and weight.
My hands are gentle, fraying on the cuticles,
fingernails trimmed and uneven,
My eyes are shy in the mirror, unless
I'm looking indirectly at them. Then, I stare for minutes.
Hours are almost fiction.
They slip away like a woman taking her leave.
They don't quite vanish, no, I do.
I am prone to wander. I stuimble off down the avenues of my great concrete city, my
massive metropolis, my ghost Cleveland, lonely. It has pigeons,
stirred by the occaisional pedestrian. There is a sky,
but all is quiet. The buildings are empty.
Maintained, well groomed gardens,
parks invite the avid, freewheeling lovers,
the balls to the breeze motherfuckers I despise,
and I welcome them. There's room,
for thousands, millions, maybe.
I see a gray paper in the cold gutter, washed over with water
and other liquid refuse gliding to the sewer, which leads the way to the nearby
river. Water has walkways, too. It wanders in the form of the cloud, and
I mimic it. You'll fiind one wrenching itself and pouring itself out when the air is harsh,
deeply drinking when over other bodies
of water.
I am a mockingbird
repeating only what I hear. I am no great God bird.
You won't likely find me in the air over
you. But, I am a bird, and I have wings.
On universal behaviors:
I am the yelping dog,
aware of his master, aware
of his home, yet prone
to run.
Vauge, like sunscreen wishing it wasnt
wasted on a place that doesnt see the sun,
on the sidewalk,
the street skin,
formed from the cells of those that once lived in it.
Entity, living,
not breathing,
Very, very ugly, my friend.
I love you. Leave me, dont go.
I see. And you. Fight. The undercurrent. Cunt.
I am. . .. . . modest redress. Is all I seek for
my wounds. They are like yours. The product of loving fists. The sort that would set you
straight if you could see where you were going. What do you see? Air. perhaps,
I see women eying me with desire thinking
to themselves that Im something worth fucking. Im not.
Wish they'd catch that at the first. They dont.
They do catch a hard glance, one of fear and hesitation, the sort
that's best suited for the enemy.
I am my enemy.
I am my enemy.
I twitched; this ursine fellow;
vile nod. Let it rip pieces off of you, peel you like old paint.
Eyelash crackling, snapping off like the edge of an icicle.
Its a knee jerk response. To fall apart, I think.
You walk each day, your bangs
in the breeze,
eyes turned skyward,
books in your arms;
I watch you, alone in the world
at the bus stop,
cold in morning gusts,
bundled tight
against groping old men of the snow.
A quiet one, faithful, contributing
heat in the company of large coals.
You die alone.
What are you? Who?
The answer comes on the cusp of a whisper,
and is forgotten. You find
yourself again, in the same place.
You sit with your hands on your forehead,
Wrestling with being.
You are your own jury, you,
who sit at the cafeteria tables, teasing
each other and absorbing
each other. You
who walk sweetly in the path of duty, assured
of your place in the world. I see you. I know you.
You are no stranger to me, when you bury your face in a screen
or, when you look ahead, eyes steeled against me,
a potential source of pain or rejection or
I am your companion.
I often curse Gods creations.
I’ve found them wretched, burning and burning
like a ball;
to me they are sometimes the sum of all bile.
I find them churning, and falling over each other, tossed around
by spirits and vicious unheard laughters
haunting everything.
I find them,
they find me,
wish they wouldn’t. Fuckers.
This is how we do
when the sunshine burns your skin off.
It’s as dangerous as drinking too much. Excess, my fellows,
is the pillar of all society, tempered with moderation.
The soul is in excess. The drive, the run.
Funny how it slips away when you get it.
Angry, maybe.
Like a child interested in other things than you,
or a cat obsessed with its solitude.
I sit on my hands and wait
I’d imagine if my mind wasn’t mired, again the word, in peat moss,
peat, or muckin mud fuckin mud. Mid shipmen, floating ocean,
the flotsam on the waves. Immobile on the skin of the sea
static, like your tv unchanging on an empty channel. Let a bird drop down
on either and your peace is disturbed. It’s gotta eat, right? Perhaps.
a ratifying witness: I see a darkness
Its good to be in love.
Im happy for all
of you in that great state.
Im somewhat burdened
By the thought
of undying connection
spanning life. It must
Be the borderline in me
Speaking. Its
the fairly volatile
part of me
that resists the notion.
The part of me that
in anger throws profanities
at a slight slight,
my interpreter of events,
my own personal prophet.
Allusion requires awareness at a level
Im incapable of right now. It requires something less solemn than I am prepared to offer;
an imagination that isnt mired in the
peat moss of my own personal post-fall
I cant get to, dear friend. It requires something a little more living than
I am prepared to present. Instead, my present
state of mind is somewhat akin to the deer you'd see on the side
of the road, or the condemned with utter lifelessness in his eyes. Indeed
Im dead.
You could watch my chest heave. If you would, watch it rise and fall like
bread baking in the oven interrupted by the bothersome child. Ill tempered, my chest rises and falls with the sun of my consciousness. My living water tap spouts in bursts; justice for picking the desert as my home. It is my head on the curb, biting, waiting.
Its a damn shame, too. It came with such a pretty face. At least the eyes will be untouched, when the jackboot comes cracking
down, dimming the already dead world.
Final moments; my future, my past,
My history awakens within me a sense of something stronger
Than I am prepared to present. Dead, fuck, dead.
For those who gaze skyward
Helium mind,
angry at the clouds,
The mans eye
view from here,
from the ground up
looking to the skies
looking to the stars
through the ozone
layer, resonating
out past the stratopause
and the spheres,
Finds me in a sleepy mood.
Frosted glade
ice sparkling suspended
In the air;
the marshmallow fluff
Depressed branches;
I bear the weight of snow.
that’s a poetic thought. I bear
and bear, and bear.
To myself I bare my burdens,
flashing them briefly to God.
I hold in my hand the tokens of
my many weights. I turn them slowly,
gazing with the gaze of ownership.
A wiccar basket
In the corner below
A home.
I know what the east wind felt like
on the plains,
the dry earth.
I know what it felt like
alone at the edge of the city
with uneasy anticipation
waiting for machine thunder
to roll in the sky.
I sat peaceably.
watching the window
in earnest.
A flash
fell gently on
the still
my town,
next door.
In a box
my size,
arms by
my side
Then the east wind rained on me.
A fierce wind. Strong and fierce.
The kind that carries cattle across
State lines and drops them,
sucks lakes dry.
The wind that throws homes
to the ground
and tosses babies
I felt stac-
atto vibrations
ing. Echoes
carried off
The sand.
I knew what flashes meant.
And daylight came in instances.
A blink that lit the city up.
The glow of the city changing.
A quiet red and orange,
quiet human red.
And impact, and impact, and impact, and impact
in wicked cadence and
a searing flame.
And impact and impact
An echo
An impact.
These things,
Hammer beaten,
Saw knicked,
Stabbed and scraped,
Are my dearest friends.
What am I to do with them,
Rascals, and vagabonds.
Roaming where they ought not
Punishing the cities with
Their presence
Spitting out the vilest contempts.
These, mangy and refused,
Partners in unspeakable evil,
And participatory in holiness,
Feel more than I can say.
I think I let my mind drift, mundane and
Wholly wholly ugly.
There was no rhythm in
The only place that mattered
Murder, darling sweetie pie
sugar and the tasty, dainty
That creates us
shuffling my feet and
fingering my chin.
I'm found upon the floor
And I would sing the song
Of Whitman - genius that evades me
Constant effort. Will you egg me on?
O vicious, vagrant, circle how, they relate?
The garbage truck sweeps roads for filthy pieces.
I’m the thunder and din of
Eagles on the mountain side.
I, the tiger?
I, the gone,
He who went,
The been,
He who was,
The is,
The flagrant,
The fighter,
Foul, full of soul, and
I would offer peace treaties.
You’d do well to trust me.
Feel the fire on your face?
The flame that trickles up your arm?
Scalding paths are only there
To anger you.
Murder on the country side, my friends, and fire in mans bowel.
Where hase it I I ii iGone??
Al Jezeera, oh my favorite gospel. Selected primarily for your vehemence.
Ah, refreshement from the She Seneca sha sha
Incredulous, I write for what, my ego? I write for writings sake.
My sop I hand to you now, do what you will quickly.
I vacate the table.
Write what you want for your sake! For your sake! To hell with the world of letters! To hell with the judgments inexorably passed upon you!
To hell with you! To hell with Fuck! With one! With anger, sentimentality! With indifference! With echoes and echoes of maladroit inadjustment! Adjunct! Attorney! Prefect! Praetorian! Roman! Citizen! Awake and let the dust that settled on you fly! There’s a sky above you! Fuck it!
this would reach across the stars to feel the tendrils of the Milky Way and other galaxies, floating masses
I need more life. I need more life. To experience life. And lliiive it itt …. .. My heart is fallen.
the edges glow, ash along the rim.
The carbon drops, leaves holes
like rot in a spotless plane,
the canvas of a good soul.
Present, like rain,
it splatters up, splashes on you.
Soaks your feet.
The grumbling sky spits.
Grimy newsprint flips in the wind and
swims in the gutters.
Water, exhaust
mix in the smog.
Tires hiss along the roads.
I am drunk
With the rain.
I sit in solitude
waiting, hand on mouth,
in patience.
And the birds are singing, glories to
The Almighty
And my heart is breaking with the weight of
With the weight of
With the weight
I, with weight,Am breaking
Broken, breaking
And my body still remains
And the Heavens change again
And stars fill void
Upon void and I
Am patient
The air, with thunder, breaks upon me.
In the clouds that fill the earth,
That fill me
I wait.
Glory, fill me
Horror, industry,
And love all fill me.
Trembling souls are dying
On the lawn
And trembling heathens in the mine-fields
Spare none with their weeping
While the waning days
Turn light to dark to light to dark
And there is trembling in its constancy
A low vibration
Sharing sentiment with
the fearful
Oh, love, and love, and love
lone things tremble when
the others turn away.
They stretch and stretch and stretch
while God makes them wretch and wrench
and twist and injure
the only bit that lives within them.
Saying healings coming,
but the sun hasn’t risen on the east in years.
Hasn’t risen on the west,
but wind comes chilling the wet and weary
And the east wind, havoc in its hand, comes with the scent of dead men
On its breath.
Saying healings coming
On its way
Well when?
And then, and then, and then
The earth in constant night and deep winter
With the birds frozen to the lines, even
Currents stilled,
Is turning slowly as the sun dims and dims
On striving men that
Only meant to draw it close.
Tender shoots that die before the snow,
Young apples never ripened,
Old men stalwart with their fires
Old cars, new cars, poison in the rafters
On the bridge, the
Are frozen to the windows
And the skyscrapers reach up still
braced against the acid rain
but all that comes is snow.
I told you who I am.
Let me tell you what I know.
I told you.
And before
I go
I'd see you smile.
I'd watch the light light
on your lips;
full, with a song
for the weary.
I’d watch your lips
and they'd be
a hushed piece of intimacy
that captures itself
in quiet company and is moved
in all directions like a drop.(as I am)
I'd see the sky,
I’d see the sky
and it would rest on my shoulders.
I'd square them
and the night would fall.
Your drop would be, to me,
hope.Let this page come out of me
I wonder if you’d want it when
You saw
What scrawled across the bleak surface
Of this white plane.
I’m a traveler, maybe, somewhat stationary
In relation to the people of this
World, I’m something of an
In relation to the controversial
Swirlings of the racial divide,
The oceans, constant storms seem so distant
With a flash of lightening only in the night at
Distant intervals.
I don’t much know the strife,
Don’t much know the strife,
Of the oppressed
By expectation.
A leaf on a tree of millions,
I would fall to be my own tree.
As a shaker’s grain of salt, I come out.
I would be the shaker.
I would be the body, but I, the ring finger,
Am what I would not be.
I would be oppressed.
Dare, I say, I am what I am.
Autumn turned her back
On us
And we all rustic
The aching moment that
Became us as snow fell,
As wind pressed against us.
And then,
We whispered to ourselves
And we, all fallen, cold, like
The bare trees,
Naked like the bluejays
Made our ways
We made our ways
And walked our paths
And trod the earth
And trod the earth
And found our homes.
Logan II
There is a pall upon the sky today.
The dreary fog above us is
an echo,
somber, offering its tears.
The leaves are downcast.
We are buried in white ribbons.
We echo dark visions.
Ghosts, and ghosts, and ghosts,
plus five,
good brothers,
future farmers of
some stalwart souls,
sons and fathers.
Beyond that I’m not sure.
Just this;
I think
that if they chose they’d end
another way.
they ate together
father was an old mechanic
he wore coveralls and
brown saddle shoes
worn with his age
as scuffed up as him
like they never left his feet
I saw them in reflections
(the window shined them back)
son was wide
his shirt stretched tight
his gestures demanded
yet laughter skipped across his face.
mechanic watched his cup for what might come
he gazed, I saw
with heaviness
from age, perhaps
from private burdens
and still son spoke on
unheard sigh shuddered
they left together
langston hughes, a consummate
no doubt.
He spoke of oppression and
the american dream. I felt
his words reach into me and grab hold, like
a musician holds his mandolin,
singing something free
to me as a
I, too, feel a part of America.
I feel the rope burns
of the impovershed
with them.
I take my place in the majority.
I feel a part of the real America.
Waking each morning,
bleary eyes crusted
with sedation,
filled with soft lethargy,
comfortable and sweet
I understand so little.
So I go
and meet my bills.
I battle them, embrace them,
hate them, embody them.
I dedicate
myself to them
completely, the purest fidelity
towards them
pouring from
me, a winding path
into the economy,
the great study of humanity
that consumes this nation,
consumes me.
I am tired.
on troubled hearts
I woke up at 4 am this morning, no reason
for it but a faint pain,
not unlike tennyson's vision. Except,
I did not see an angel floating heavenly above me
eyes fixed upon me enraptured,
adoring. I saw an empty room,
with barren walls, and a bed
with no sheet.
the sort you'd find below a
street light, in the dark
in the dead night.
it draws the life
from your eyes
you watch,
no passion, heavy
with your heartbeat a
your jaw will tense
and hold
stare, past the glaring light
see what your missing
look to the fields, to
the sihlouettes of trees
and the faint light pollution
of the nearest town
move on, past the creek
at the bottom of the hill
through the woods, past
the dead stump and
the fallen tree bridge,
bless the deer beds
with your scent and move
ignore the trickle of the brook
tumbling, and glide
through the branches.
you can step up off the rock and float
to the leaves
to join the owls
keeping watch for food.
the ivy,
climbs you sullenly
and secretly. Press
your lips to the bark,
and spit.
Its dim, the stars
provide no light.
the leaves blend into
the hides of animals
hyenas, in ohio,
preposterous, but in
dead wood night,
you feel them
they move.
you know it. you heard them.
and the faint breeze must be the collected
exhalations of the pack.
they stifle their laughter.
you hope for the moon.
but its cold, and their breath
has chilled your bones.
That thought is unworthy, though.
can't be sure.
It's somewhere... masked
by the sable space
inside me.
To you, void,
one word:
I ask that with reservation.
Don't want the answer.
I have the suspicion
that you may be dangerous.
Worthy and true...
This thought...
More likely, it's what others
see as their great deep blue;
the thing that seethes and throbs,
that sea inside them
teeming with a trillion
planktons of thought;
with sharks,
with the rare blue whale,
the orca, cunning porpoise,
sea turtles
small in the expanse.
Drops in the great bucket.
Perhaps my sea
is at night;
new moon,
clouded sky,
only the distant candles of dead men
borne on the rafts
of the ship wrecked, abandoned,
cut through the darkness like stars.
They float lonely,
greeted only
by the sound of lapping waves.
One by one,
they lift up their last candles
and die out.
Candles burn to the hilt.
The matches are used up.
Daylight never comes.
No rain water.
Nothing to catch it in, anyway.
The sharks
circle silently beneath them.
They wait
on the big wave
the rogue wave
or the storm to
dump the dead
into the sea.
The wasteland is
as barren for them
as for the silenced.
The silenced;
they thirsted.
Monday, January 19, 2009
First new work in a while
pull the reins.
he lay spread eagle in
the snow
sick, exposed.
a shiver like a rumbling heater
starting in the cold
morning warming
the home's bones
is all that keeps
him going.
he's long since lost
feeling in his limbs
his instinct
to survive
to stay on life
to ride that crazed horse,
lulls him to sleep
a little baby
born again
into the calm face of death
without violence
no fear
with love
with beauty
his heart
beats slowly
more slowly than before
in hours, the setting sun
will slow it more
his breath
grows short
they wait for him
in warm chairs
or couches, rather, busied
he's got it handled
he's in good hands (his own)
and so
he dies